Stephen Robinson
Founder & Lead Mental Wellbeing Coach
Stephen's purpose is to break the taboo about mental health and wellbeing. He is on a mission to make wellbeing and mental strength a key foundation in everyone’s daily plan. Its’s Mental was founded.
Stephen’s drive for mentoring people to build a more robust mental and physical wellbeing comes from his own personal experiences.
His early life was text-book. A good upbringing by two loving parents and 4 older siblings was the happy start until a shock bereavement at the age of just 20 changed his life forever. His mother died aged only 59, leaving all 5 children and her husband grieving. She hadn’t even managed to retire and enjoy her free time with her growing family. Seeing how fragile and unpredictable life could be caused Stephen to have an epiphany. He realised that you had to make things happen in life, take control and do something for yourself as you never know when it could be taken away from you.
Not long after, the family suffered another great loss when Stephen’s father also died. His father had struggled to adapt to life without his wife, hadn’t evolved to make a new life for himself after the tragedy. This hurt Stephen to see and made him even more determined to live life to the full.
It was at this point, still only in his 20’s, that Stephen made a decision to build something for himself and his future by taking charge. His driving force was the understanding that if you don’t do it for yourself it just won’t get done.
He began creating and building businesses, selling them, and losing them. It wasn’t an easy ride and he had great wins and losses. The one constant in his life was the bone deep knowledge that he had to do something positive and strive for the results he wanted. No one else was going to hand it to him. Living in the wings, waiting for something to happen was not an option.
All of this drive and ambition to make something of his life enabled him to build many successful businesses and a happy family life with his wife and children. However, just when he thought he’d found the magic formula to a happy and balanced life he was thrown into dreadful circumstances. Within just a few years of each other both his brother-in-law and his brother, committed suicide. The devastation that these losses left behind was huge. Stephen had to support his family both emotionally and practically, leaving his own mental state vulnerable.
Losing his mum at such a young age, followed closely by his dad, affected him deeply. Having to try and take control after the two suicides was a huge task. There are somethings that you just can’t control, and he was fighting against that. He decided to make some changes to his business and took on investors. This actually caused more issues as he was giving up more control, this time of his business. He suffered from a breakdown and through therapy identified the main trigger as not having control.
The realisation that letting go of the need to control everything was actually the key to freedom came soon after. He chose to step back completely from his business and take a huge leap of faith to train as a wellbeing coach and mentor.
Stephen’s main wellbeing vision for everyone he works with is LIFE BALANCE.
He is passionate about making positive changes. Changing behaviour, changing habits – either breaking bad ones or creating new good ones – is a key element to Its’ Mental mentoring and coaching programme to get everyone to have a strong balance of all things in their life.
Stephen is a Mental Wellbeing Coach who helps people to identify what their aspirations are and works with the client to make them achievable. He is all about action. Mental action. Physical action. If he can get just one stressed out businessperson to look up from their desk and open their eyes to the wider possibilities, then he has started the process of change and good things will begin to present themselves.
See All Our Experts
The Self Help Sessions
Stephen features in our wellbeing video series "The Self Help Sessions" available to our premium subscribers.

It's Mental Podcast Series
Listen to Stephen's story and why "It's Mental" was created in this "Real People with Real Purpose" podcast episode.

Daily Wellbeing
Stephen features in our wellbeing series "Your Daily Wellfie" Video tips & advice from the "It's Mental" experts.