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Do You Need PEP Talk?

Are you feeling lost or stuck and want to make positive long-lasting changes in your life?

Our PEP talks are designed to give you a starting block to CBT Therapy and help you find out the best way a qualified online Cognitive Behavioural Therapist can benefit you.

Book a PEP Talk

Why have a PEP talk?

  • Are you stressed?
  • Feeling a bit demotivated and low mood?
  • Are you procrastinating at work?
  • Need to have a quick chat with someone to put things in perspective
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed at the moment?
  • Do you feel anxious about something?
  • You can’t focus and effectivenes? 
  • You feel angry and resentment?

The benefits of having a PEP talk.

  • Able to talk to someone independently from work or family and friends.
  • Receive a different perspective on things going on in your life
  • Get things off your chest and start to calm your mood
  • Get motivated and meet your deadlines.
  • Improve your productivity
  • Stop suffering in silence
  • Receive help to control your feelings

Book a 15 minute online session with CBT Therapist Mia Malama

PEP Talk with Mia Malama


15 Minute Session

  • 15 Minute CBT Session
  • Session Held By Qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist Mia Malama
  • Secure Online Video Session
  • Book your PEP talk date once purchased
Book Now